- 2012, Zadar
(and online)
The conference is over!
Automated User-Centered Reasoning and Acquisition System
Ernst van Waning Ernst van Waning Infometrics (SPEAKER) Netherlands
Embeddable Common Lisp
Juan Garcia-Ripoll Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll Instituto de Fisica Fundemantal CSIC (SPEAKER) Spain

- Hotel Kolovare http://www.hotel-kolovare.com +385 23 211 017 (HOTEL)
- Hotel Bastion email@email.com http://www.hotel-bastion.hr +385 23 494 950 (HOTEL)
- Falkenstiner Hotels & resorts email@email.com http://www.falkensteiner.com +385 23 206 400 (HOTEL)
- Hotel Mediteran email@email.com http://www.hotelmediteran-zd.hr (HOTEL)
- Hotel Porto email@email.com http://www.hotel-porto.hr +385 23 292 300 (HOTEL)
- Hotel Villa Nico email@email.com http://www.hotel-villanico.com +385 23 331 198 (HOTEL)
- Hotel President email@email.com http://www.hotel-president.hr +385 23 337 500 (HOTEL)
- Hostel Zadar +385 331 145 (HOTEL)
Programme Chair
Marco Antoniotti Marco Antoniotti Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca (PROGRAMME-CHAIR) Milan Italy
Organizing Chair
Didier Verna Didier Verna https://www.didierverna.info EPITA / LRE (ORGANIZING-CHAIR COMMITTEE SPEAKER) France
Christophe Rhodes Christophe Rhodes Goldsmiths University of London (COMMITTEE) London United Kingdom
Didier Verna Didier Verna https://www.didierverna.info EPITA / LRE (ORGANIZING-CHAIR COMMITTEE SPEAKER) France
Giuseppe Attardi Giuseppe Attardi Università degli Studi di Pisa (COMMITTEE) Pisa Italy
Kent Pitman Kent Pitman (COMMITTEE) USA
Marc Feeley Marc Feeley Université de Montreal (COMMITTEE) Montreal Canada
Pascal Costanza Pascal Costanza Intel (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) Bruxelles Belgium
Robert Strandh Robert Strandh Université de Bordeaux (COMMITTEE) Bordeaux France
Scott McKay Scott McKay Google (COMMITTEE) USA
Taiichi Yuasa Taiichi Yuasa Kyoto University (COMMITTEE) Japan
Local Organizers
Damir Kero Damir Kero University of Zadar (LOCAL-ORGANIZER) Croatia
Damir Ćavar Damir Ćavar Eastern Michigan University (LOCAL-ORGANIZER) USA
Franjo Pehar Franjo Pehar University of Zadar (LOCAL-ORGANIZER) Croatia
Times are local to the conference. You can download the programme in iCalendar format here.April 29th
Welcome Drink
April 30th
Welcome Message
Embeddable Common Lisp
- Juan Garcia-Ripoll
Generic Image Processing with Climb
- Laurent Senta
- Christopher Chedeau
- Didier Verna
An iterative method to solve overdetermined systems of nonlinear equations applied to the restitution of planimetric measurements
- Giovanni Anzani
Java interop with ABCL, a practical example
- Alessio Stalla
Embedded probabilistic programming in Clojure
- Nils Bertschinger
A little history of metaprogramming and reflection
- Pascal Costanza
Using Clojure in Linguistic Computing
- Zoltan Varju
- Richard Littauer
- Peteris Ernis
Conference Dinner
April 31st
Automated User-Centered Reasoning and Acquisition System
- Ernst van Waning
Scheme in Industrial Automation
- Marco Benelli
Algorithm Engineering with Clojure
- Gunnar Völkel
- Johann Kraus
- Hans Kestler
Object enumeration
- Irène Durand
Doplus, the high-level, lispy extensible iteration construct
- Alessio Stalla
QueryFS, a virtual filesystem based on queries and relaxed tools
- Mikhail Raskin
Conference End
Conference Dinner