This year's special focus: Artificial Intelligence, and Meta-Programming beyond macros.
Submission topics include, but are not limited to:
- Context-, aspect-, domain-oriented and generative programming
- Macro-, reflective-, meta- and/or rule-based development approaches
- Language design and implementation
- Language integration, inter-operation and deployment
- Development methodologies, support and environments
- Educational approaches and perspectives
- Experience reports and case studies
We invite submissions in the following forms. Papers and experience reports must not overlap significantly with the authors’ previously published work in a peer reviewed publication, and must not be under review on another journal or conference. Also, authors must agree with our publication ethics and malpractice statement.
- Papers: Technical papers of up to 8 pages that describe original results or explain known ideas in new and elegant ways.
- Experience reports: papers of up to 6 pages describing a Lisp success story and/or analyzing obstacles that have kept it from working in practice.
- Tutorials: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for in-depth presentations about topics of special interest.
- Demonstrations: Abstracts of up to 4 pages for demonstrations of tools, libraries, and applications.
Submissions should be uploaded to EasyChair. Note: to help us with the review process please indicate the type of submission in the title field in the submission form.
LaTeX submissions are strongly encouraged. Please use the LaTeX article template available here to format your submission.
In general, all submissions should be formatted following the ACM SIGS guidelines and include ACM Computing Classification System 2012 concepts and terms. Appropriate TeX and Word templates can also be found on the ACM publications page.
Please use the ACM Computing Classification System site to generate the CCS codes. In order to add a concept, navigate to it using the boxes, and select "Assign This CCS Concept" on the left side. You should select one high relevance concept, and up to four medium or low relevance concepts. Once you are done, simply copy the CCS display into the Word document. If you are using TeX, select "View CCS TeX Code" and copy the displayed code into your TeX file. The templates should already include sections with bogus CCS codes, which you can simply replace with your own.
Note: registration is free and not requested for online attendance.Invited Speakers
- Project Oberon: A Late Appraisal. -- Jürg Gutknecht, prof. em. ETH Zürich
In this talk, we will show how and why a long and successful phase of programming language and system development at ETH Zürich starting with Pascal in the 1970s culminated in project Oberon in the 1990s.
- Is Lisp Still Relevant in the New Age of AI? -- Anurag Mendhekar, Paper Culture LLC
Lisp owes its existence and popularity to early AI research. At one time, the entire AI world revolved around Lisp, which provided an enormous amount of energy for the language’s development and for pioneering technologies in compiler design, language innovation, and high-performance hardware (such as the Connection Machine). However, in today’s AI landscape, Lisp is nowhere to be found. Instead, languages like Python—many of whose ideas are borrowed from Lisp—have become the mainstream tools for modern AI.
This raises a key question: What made Lisp so relevant during the first AI revolution but seemingly irrelevant in the second? Is there still a place for Lisp in this new AI era? If so, what should the Lisp community focus on to re-enable its relevance?
- Toward safe, flexible, and efficient software in Common Lisp -- Robert Smith
Common Lisp is renowned for its ability to express safe, flexible, or efficient code. However, these characteristics are often at odds with one another, especially in practical software co-development settings. Coalton is an embedded language within Common Lisp that leverages a Haskell-like type system to prove type safety of a program and performs a variety of type-based optimizations. Coalton also permits new abstractions that are difficult to express in ordinary Common Lisp. We discuss Coalton and its use at two commercial organizations.

Programme Chair
François-René Rideau Đặng-Vũ Bân François-René Rideau Đặng-Vũ Bân MuKn (PROGRAMME-CHAIR) USA
Organizing Chair
Didier Verna Didier Verna EPITA / LRE (ORGANIZING-CHAIR) France
Local Chair
Yukari Hafner Yukari Hafner Shinmera (LOCAL-CHAIR VIRTUALIZATION) Switzerland
Conrad Barski Conrad Barski (COMMITTEE) USA
Dave Cooper Dave Cooper Genworks (COMMITTEE) USA
Dimitris Vyzovitis Dimitris Vyzovitis Mighty Gerbils (COMMITTEE)
Eitaro Fukamachi Eitaro Fukamachi (COMMITTEE) Japan
Gavin Gray Gavin Gray Brown University (COMMITTEE) USA
Jason Hemann Jason Hemann Seton Hall University (COMMITTEE) USA
Kristopher Micinski Kristopher Micinski Syracuse University (COMMITTEE) USA
Marc Battyani Marc Battyani Enfabrica (COMMITTEE) USA
Marco Morazan Marco Morazan Seton Hall University (COMMITTEE) USA
Masatoshi Sano Masatoshi Sano Nayuta (COMMITTEE) Japan
Michael Raskin Michael Raskin LaBRI (COMMITTEE) France
Robert Goldman Robert Goldman SIFT (COMMITTEE) USA
Ryan Culpepper Ryan Culpepper University of Massachusetts, Bostom (COMMITTEE) USA
Virtualization Team
Georgiy Tugai Georgiy Tugai Configura (VIRTUALIZATION) Sweden
Yukari Hafner Yukari Hafner Shinmera (LOCAL-CHAIR VIRTUALIZATION) Switzerland