European Lisp Symposium

- 2017, Brussels
The conference is over!
This year's conference was co-located with Programming 2017


  • How the strengths of Lisp-family languages facilitate building complex and flexible bioinformatics applications

    • photo Bohdan Khomtchouk Bohdan B. Khomtchouk University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (SPEAKER) Miami USA

    We present a rationale for expanding the presence of the Lisp family of programming languages in bioinformatics and computational biology research. Put simply, Lisp-family languages enable programmers to more quickly write programs that run faster than in other languages. Languages such as Common Lisp, Scheme and Clojure facilitate the creation of powerful and flexible software that is required for complex and rapidly evolving domains like biology. We will point out several important key features that distinguish languages of the Lisp family from other programming languages, and we will explain how these features can aid researchers in becoming more productive and creating better code. We will also show how these features make these languages ideal tools for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. We will specifically stress the advantages of domain-specific languages (DSLs): languages that are specialized to a particular area, and thus not only facilitate easier research problem formulation, but also aid in the establishment of standards and best programming practices as applied to the specific research field at hand. DSLs are particularly easy to build in Common Lisp, the most comprehensive Lisp dialect, which is commonly referred to as the 'programmable programming language'. We are convinced that Lisp grants programmers unprecedented power to build increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence systems that may ultimately transform machine learning and artificial intelligence research in bioinformatics and computational biology.

  • Identity in a World of Values

    • photo Hans Hübner Hans Hübner LambdaWerk GmbH (SPEAKER) Berlin Germany

    Data persistence can add a great deal of complexity to application software, and making the gap between application and storage has been a constant field of research, experiments and products. In the object oriented programming paradigm, persistence seems to be a natural extension to object behavior, and even though one could argue that many persistent object systems have flaws and leak their abstractions, there is a large body of prior art and research in that area. In the functional programming world, persistence does not find as natural a partnering abstraction, and it is often either conceptionally pushed to the boundaries of the application, or treated in an ad-hoc fashion interleaved with the beauty and conceptional rigor of pure functions. The presentation discusses these forces and explores how Clojure's Software Transactional Memory system can be used to implement application data persistence.


photo Vrije Universiteit Brussel (CONFERENCE) Pleinlaan 2 Building D 1050 Brussels Belgium


Programme Chair

  • photo Alberto Riva Alberto Riva University of Florida (PROGRAMME-CHAIR) USA

Organizing Chair


  • photo Alessio Stalla Alessio Stalla Many Designs s.r.l. (COMMITTEE) Italy
  • photo António Leitão António Menezes Leitão Technical University of Lisbon (COMMITTEE) Portugal
  • photo Chris Stacy Chris Stacy CS Consulting (COMMITTEE)
  • photo Christian Queinnec Christian Queinnec Université Pierre et Marie Curie (COMMITTEE) France
  • photo Erick Gallesio Erick Gallesio Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (COMMITTEE) France
  • photo François-René Rideau François-René Rideau Bridgewater Associates (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) USA
  • photo Henry Lieberman Henry Lieberman MIT (COMMITTEE) USA
  • photo Jay McCarthy Jay McCarthy University of Massachusetts (COMMITTEE) Lowell USA
  • photo Marc Battyani Marc Battyani Fractal Concept (COMMITTEE)
  • photo Marc Feeley Marc Feeley Université de Montreal (COMMITTEE) Canada
  • photo Marco Antoniotti Marco Antoniotti Università Milano Bicocca (COMMITTEE) Italy
  • photo Mark Tarver Mark Tarver Shen Programming Group (COMMITTEE)
  • photo Nick Levine Nick Levine RavenPack (COMMITTEE) Spain
  • photo Nikodemus Siivola Nikodemus Siivola ZenRobotics Ltd (COMMITTEE)
  • photo Rainer Joswig Rainer Joswig Independent Consultant (COMMITTEE) Germany
  • photo Theo D'Hondt Theo D'Hondt Vrije Universiteit Brussel (COMMITTEE) Belgium


Times are local to the conference. You can download the programme in iCalendar format here.
  1. April 3rd

  2. Welcome Message

  3. Identity in a World of Values

    • Hans Hübner
  4. Coffee

  5. Common Lisp UltraSpec - A Project For Modern Common Lisp Documentation

    • Michal Herda
  6. Loading Multiple Versions of an ASDF System in the Same Lisp Image

    • Vsevolod Domkin
  7. Lunch

  8. A Lisp Way to Type Theory and Formal Proofs

    • Frederic Peschanski
  9. Programmatic Manipulation of Common Lisp Type Specifiers

    • Jim Newton
    • Didier Verna
    • Maximilien Colange
  10. Type Inference in Cleavir

    • Alexander Wood
  11. Coffee

  12. Delivering Common Lisp Applications with ASDF 3.3

    • Robert Goldman
    • Elias Pipping
    • François-René Rideau
  13. Radiance – a Web Application Environment

    • Yukari Hafner
  14. Teaching Students of Engineering some Insights of the Internet of Things using Racket and the RaspberryPi

    • Daniel Brunner
    • Stephan Brunner
  15. Interactive Functional Medical Image Analysis

    • Benjamin Seppke
    • Leonie Dreschler-Fischer
  16. Lightning Talks

  17. April 4th

  18. How the strengths of Lisp-family languages facilitate building complex and flexible bioinformatics applications

    • Bohdan Khomtchouk
  19. Parallelizing Femlisp

    • Marco Heisig
    • Nicolas Neuss
  20. Coffee

  21. General Game Playing in Common Lisp

    • Steve Losh
  22. Lunch

  23. Fast, Maintainable, and Portable Sequence Functions

    • Irène Durand
    • Robert Strandh
  24. DIY Meta Languages with Common Lisp

    • Alexander Lier
    • Kai Selgrad
    • Marc Stamminger
  25. Static Taint Analysis of Event-driven Scheme Programs

    • Jonas De Bleser
    • Quentin Stiévenart
    • Jens Nicolay
    • Coen De Roover
  26. Coffee

  27. on the {lambda way}

    • Alain Marty
  28. Writing a portable code walker in Common Lisp

    • Mikhail Raskin
  29. Removing redundant tests by replicating control paths

    • Irène Durand
    • Robert Strandh
  30. Lightning Talks

  31. Conference End


You can find the proceedings in PDF form here:


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