Event Detection in Unstructured Text (using Common Lisp)
Jason Cornez Jason Cornez (SPEAKER)
At RavenPack, we use Common Lisp to extract meaning from unstructured English text. The focus is low-latency processing of real-time news feeds and blogs, to provide actionable intelligence to our clients in the financial industry. This talk discusses our technology for detecting events. We look at what we've done so far, what we are working on now, and some future possibilities.
Keynote: Lisp in a Startup: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Vsevolod Domkin Vsevolod Domkin (SPEAKER) Ukraine
Over the last 10 years of my software development career, I have mostly programmed in Common Lisp, in two distinct environments: open-source and startup (aka consumer Internet companies). Among the startup projects, in which I managed to introduce Lisp, the most successful is Grammarly where the system we had built continues to playa major role — more than two years after my departure from the company — at the core of its intelligent product used by 10 million people daily. In this talk, I'd like to share the success stories of developing a number of internet services in Lisp and the merits of the Lisp enviornment that enabled those, as well as the flip sides of the same stories that manifest the problems of the Lisp ecosystem — and propose possible solutions to them. We'll discuss where Lisp fits best and worst among the different professional environments and why.
Keynote: This Old Lisp
R. Matthew Emerson R. Matthew Emerson (SPEAKER) USA
Lisp was invented 60 years ago. Coral Common Lisp, the ancestor of today's Clozure Common Lisp, was released over 30 years ago. Over this time, processor architectures and operating systems have come and gone, but Clozure CL (under various names and forms) has survived and is still with us today. Clozure CL, Common Lisp, and Lisp itself are the product of many intelligent and clever people. Indeed, we find ourselves saying, with Newton, "If I have seen a little farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." I will say a few words, looking down from the giant's shoulders, on the subject of Clozure CL, that old Lisp, including where it stands today, and how it might evolve in the future.

- Hotel Fuerte (****) https://www.fuertehoteles.com/en/hotels/fuerte-marbella/the-hotel/ (HOTEL)
- Hotel San Cristóbal (***) https://www.hotelsancristobal.com/en/ (HOTEL)
Sunday Excursion
A guided visit to the Andalusian town of Ronda, famous for its spectacular views, traditional architecture and bull-ring turned museum. An ideal introduction to the old and new Spain. More details soon!
Programme Chair
David Cooper David Cooper Genworks (PROGRAMME-CHAIR)
Organizing Chair
Didier Verna Didier Verna https://www.didierverna.info EPITA / LRE (ORGANIZING-CHAIR SPEAKER) France
Local Chair
Andrew Lawson Andrew Lawson Ravenpack (LOCAL-CHAIR)
Andy Wingo Andy Wingo Igalia (COMMITTEE) Spain
Christophe Rhodes Christophe Rhodes Goldsmiths University (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) UK
Christopher Wellons Christopher Wellons Null Program (COMMITTEE) USA
Ernst van Waning Ernst van Waning Infometrics.nl (COMMITTEE) Netherlands
Irène Durand Irène Durand LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) France
Julian Padget Julian Padget University of Bath (COMMITTEE) UK
Ludovic Courtès Ludovic Courtès Inria (COMMITTEE) France
Michael Sperber Michael Sperber DeinProgramm (COMMITTEE) Germany
Nicolas Neuss Nicolas Neuss FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) Germany
Olin Shivers Olin Shivers Northeastern University (COMMITTEE) USA
Philipp Marek Philipp Marek (COMMITTEE) Austria
Robert Strandh Robert Strandh Université de Bordeaux (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) France
Sacha Chua Sacha Chua Living an Awesome Life (COMMITTEE) Canada
Scott McKay Scott McKay Future Fuel (COMMITTEE) USA
Times are local to the conference. You can download the programme in iCalendar format here.April 16th
Breakfast on Patio (Coffee, biscuits, bread, fruit)
Welcome Message
Keynote: This Old Lisp
- R. Matthew Emerson
Petalisp: A Common Lisp Library for Data Parallel Programming
- Marco Heisig
Dynamic Optimizations for SBCL Garbage Collection
- Ethan Schwartz
Patio Break
Incremental Parsing of Common Lisp Code
- Irène Durand
- Robert Strandh
Strategies for Typecase Optimization
- Jim Newton
- Didier Verna
Method Combinators
- Didier Verna
The Computational Structure of the Clifford Groups, Simulating Quantum Processor Errors, and Overview of Quantum Computing Development with Common Lisp
- Robert Smith
- Nikolas Tezak
Clasp Common Lisp Implementation and Optimization
- Alex Wood
- Christian Schafmeister
Patio Break
Lightning Talks
Association of Lisp Users Overview & Search for New President
Travel & Prepare for Dinner
Conference Dinner
April 17th
Breakfast on Patio (Coffee, biscuits, bread, fruit)
Welcome Message
Keynote: Lisp in a Startup: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Vsevolod Domkin
pLisp: a Friendly Lisp IDE for Beginners
- Rajesh Jayaprakash
Using Lisp-based Pseudocode to Probe Student Understanding
- Christophe Rhodes
Patio Break
Interactive Flow Simulation with Common Lisp
- Nicolas Neuss
Object-oriented Shader Compositon using CLOS
- Yukari Hafner
Context-oriented Algorithmic Design
- Bruno Ferreira
- António Menezes Leitão
Event Detection in Unstructured Text (using Common Lisp)
- Jason Cornez
Clef Design: Thoughts on the Formalization of Program Construction
- Klaas van Schelven
Partial Inlining using Local Graph Rewriting
- Irène Durand
- Robert Strandh
Patio Break
Lightning Talks
Common Lisp Foundation Overview & Brainstorming for common-lisp.net Content and Fundraisers
Birds of a Feather Gatherings, Farewells, Impromptu Dinner Plans for those staying in Marbella